• The first stage of any project is to carry out a measured survey of the building or the site and produce preliminary sketch drawings for discussion.
• Most projects will require the submission of an application for planning permission. It important to understand how the planning system works and to keep on top of changes in order know how best to navigate the process and secure a successful outcome for each individual project, whilst avoiding unnecessary delays. We would normally submit an application electronically using the Planning Portal and act as our client’s agent with the local authority.
• Decisions on whether to grant planning permission are made in line with national guidance (as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework) and local planning policies set out by the local authority.
• If your scheme is for a small-scale home extension or outbuilding, you may be able to avoid applying for permission if your proposals are within specific limits known as ‘Permitted Development’. There is often scope to carry out alterations to a roof in connection with a loft conversion and to build single storey rear or side extensions using permitted development rights but these rights are restricted where properties are situated within a conservation area or an area of Outstanding natural beauty. We can advise on what is possible in each case. It is usually advisable to make an application for a Certificate of Lawful Development where to be sure that work can be done under permitted development without the need to apply for planning permission.
• Once planning permission has been granted it is necessary to apply for approval under Building Regulations approval. The normal procedure is to make a 'full plans' application, for which detailed construction drawings and calculations are required. The local authority will check and approve the plans before the work starts and the Building Inspector will make site visits at various stages of the work. It is now also possible to use an independent 'approved inspector' rather than the council and this is sometimes cheaper.
• We are also able to undertake further architectural services if required including drawing up specifications and schedules for tendering, selecting a contractor and contract administration during construction or can just keep a watching brief on the project during construction, making site inspections to advise on technical issues as required.
• We can also serve notices on adjoining owners and prepare awards under the Party Wall act where this is required.